How to connect to Mysql using C++ in Mac OSX

Hello Guys,

Today i was struggling while Connecting to MySQL in C++ in OSX and i did lot of research but there was no help available out there then i had to dug out the solution myself and decided to share the solution with everyone who is struggling with the same situation to connect the mysql in c++ in OSX.

There were some errors i was getting while connecting are:


ERROR libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type sql::SQLException Abort trap: 6

You can check the demo GitHub repo i have created there

There are two ways to connect using mysql.h file or using mysql connector. You can use any of the method mentioned below

Method 1 — Using Mysql.h

You can check the example here demo1.cpp file which is using mysql.h.

By Default g++ uses clang compiler which comes with Xcode which is not a genuine compiler so you need to reinstall to have genuine compiler for g++ You can check version with g++ — version

Here are the steps:

You will have to install the macports and mysql using below the commands

// Install macports using brew
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install gcc46
sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc46
gcc --version  // It should Say (gcc (MacPorts gcc46 4.6.4_11) 4.6.4) ...
// Installing and running mysql
brew install mysql

Now you create a new file demo1.cpp and paste this code or you can check the github repo link i shared

/* Standard C++ includes */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <mysql.h>
using namespace std;
int main(void)
  // std::vector<std::string> tables;
  MYSQL_RES *result;
  MYSQL_ROW row;
  MYSQL *connection, mysql;
  int state;
  connection = mysql_real_connect(&mysql,"","root","root","mysql",0,0,0);
  // cout << connection;
  if (connection == NULL)
    std::cout << mysql_error(&mysql) << std::endl;
    // return tables;
state = mysql_query(connection, "SHOW TABLES");
  if (state !=0)
    std::cout << mysql_error(connection) << std::endl;
  result = mysql_store_result(connection);
  std::cout << "tables: " << mysql_num_rows(result) << std::endl;
  while ( ( row=mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL )
    cout << row[0] << std::endl;

Now Compile and run the file using the below command

g++ -o demo1 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/mysql -W -lmysqlclient -L/usr/local/lib demo1.cpp

Method 2 — Using Mysql Connector CPP

First you will have to download the connector for osx using these steps

  1. Download Mysql C++ Connector for Mac OS from here
  2. Extract cppconn direcotry and mysql_connection.h, mysql_driver.h, mysql_error.h file to the root direcotry of your application

Now create DYLIB file from cpp connector using the same compiler we are using to compile our code

git clone .
git checkout 1.1
git tag
git checkout tags/1.1.9
which g++
which gcc
cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/opt/local/bin/gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/opt/local/bin/g++ .
make install

NOTE: You should find dylib files in driver director and copy those files to the same directory where your code exists

Now you create a new file demo.cpp and paste this code or you can check the github repo link i shared

/* Standard C++ includes */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
  Include directly the different
  headers from cppconn/ and mysql_driver.h + mysql_util.h
  (and mysql_connection.h). This will reduce your build time!
#include "mysql_connection.h"
#include <cppconn/driver.h>
#include <cppconn/exception.h>
#include <cppconn/resultset.h>
#include <cppconn/statement.h>
using namespace std;
int main(void)
cout << endl;
sql::Driver *driver;
  sql::Connection *con;
  sql::Statement *stmt;
  sql::ResultSet *res;
/* Create a connection */
  driver = get_driver_instance();
  con = driver->connect("tcp://", "root", "root");
  /* Connect to the MySQL test database */
stmt = con->createStatement();
  res = stmt->executeQuery("SELECT 'Hello World!' AS _message");
  while (res->next()) {
    cout << "\t... MySQL replies: ";
    /* Access column data by alias or column name */
    cout << res->getString("_message") << endl;
    cout << "\t... MySQL says it again: ";
    /* Access column data by numeric offset, 1 is the first column */
    cout << res->getString(1) << endl;
  delete res;
  delete stmt;
  delete con;
cout << endl;

Now Compile and run the file using the below command

g++ -o demo -I/usr/local/include -I/Volumes/D/www/c++ -L. -lmysqlcppconn demo.cpp

If you found my article useful please do not forget to share and like it. Thanks guys.

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